Professional Hospice Care Services

Serving the Counties of Los Angeles and Ventura

 Our Mission

At 24/7 Team Care Hospice we aim to celebrate the sanctity of life by providing compassionate care and the highest quality medical, emotional, social, and spiritual care. Empowering those we serve to have the quality of life options that afford them comfort and dignity.

Hospice Services Specific To Each Of Our Patients

This includes meal plans, medication, supplies, and medical services.

Routine Care

Routine home care is the most common hospice service provided. Routine care is delivered to the patient wherever they "call home" - private residence, nursing facility, assisted living, etc. Care includes intermittent visits from all of the Interdisciplinary Team.


Dedicated Inpatient Care

Inpatient care is for treating symptoms that cannot be managed in a home setting. Inpatient hospice care is usually short-term and is provided in a few different places. We have special arrangements with local hospitals and other facilities where patients may be admitted to receive appropriate care. Patients return to their home once inpatient care is not needed.

Continuous Home Care

Continuous home care is more intensive than routine home care. It involves around-the-clock care from hospice staff to manage a patient's acute symptoms. A nurse is present at the patient's home for up to 24 hours a day to administer medications, provide treatments, and more until symptoms are controlled. Continuous care allows the patient to stay in their home so they can avoid hospitalization.


Respite Care

Respite care is short-term inpatient care that is intended to benefit the patient's primary caregiver. Caring for a critically or terminally ill loved one can be difficult for everyone involved. Respite care provides a break for the caregivers and the patient is temporarily admitted to a facility. Respite care has a limit in terms of days provided.

4 Common Questions About Hospice Care


What is hospice?

Hospice care is a special form of care for people diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. Hospice care emphasizes quality of life rather than length of life and views dying as a normal, natural process. The goal of hospice care is to relieve the pain and suffering, provide comfort and support, and allow people to live their final days with dignity.


Who provides hospice care?

Hospice services are provided by a team of professionals and trained volunteers. The full 24/7 Team includes nurses, social workers, physicians, certified hospital aides, chaplains, dieticians, and physical and occupational therapists.

Who pays for hospice care?

Hospice is a fully funded Medicare and Medi-cal benefit and is covered by most private insurance companies. The U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs also cover hospice care for veterans. Most plans cover with no out-of-pocket expenses to the client.


Who qualifies for hospice?

Hospice services are available to people of all ages who have a life-limiting illness and can no longer benefit from curative treatment or choose to stop aggressive treatment

Myths and Truths


Myth: Hospice is only for people who are dying/giving up on life.

Truth: Hospice is about helping people live life to the fullest, with the time they have left. Multiple research studies show those with a terminal illness who chose hospice often live longer and have a better quality of life than those who chose aggressive end-of-life medical care.


Myth: Only a doctor can refer someone for hospice.

Truth: Anyone can pick up the phone and call 24/7 Team Care Hospice at (818) 390-7654 to make a referral. If we are not able to help you directly, we will refer you to the appropriate resource.


 Myth: Once you decide on hospice, you can’t go back.

Truth: Patients can revoke hospice participation at any time. Their medical condition may improve or a patient may decide to pursue curative treatment again. Patients can reapply for hospice been fits later, if necessary.

We accept Medicare, Medi-Cal and more

Interested in our services? Our services are covered by Medicare, Medical, and most private insurances.

Still have questions? Give us a call.

We’re available 24/7

Any questions we haven’t covered?

Feel free to reach out to us for more answers to your questions